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Member Statistics

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Member Statistics is where we publish information quantifying the preferences and selections of our website members.

Areas of Interest


Featured Hobby News Article

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Featured Ruleset

Featured Showcase Article

Elmer's Xtreme School Glue Stick

Is there finally a gluestick worth buying for paper modelers?

Featured Workbench Article

One 3D Model, Many Bases?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian wonders why create different 3D models, if you can create one that can be customized?

Featured Profile Article

The Training of an Assistant Editor

How a two-year search for an Assistant Editor finally ended.

Current Poll

111,271 hits since 2 Jan 2003
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

There are 52,490 members of this website, ranging (in alphabetical order) from (A Troll) to zzzdann.

We have email addresses on file for 39,465 members (75%), which means they are eligible to participate in special events such as Poll Prizes.

Members have the option of deactivating the adult filter, which prevents the viewing of objectionable images (i.e. nude Celtic warriors, decapitated victims, etc.). 24,201 members (46%) have turned off their filters.