This model recently crossed my workbench for an update, and to my surprise, it seems it has never appeared on TMP.

The model is supplied with a clear plastic base. I don't care for this style of base, as they easily get scratched up, and the models are top-heavy. So I am upgrading my Aeronef fleet by painting the bases sky blue, and adding filler to the hollow bases to add more weight. Plus LITKO FlexSteel on the bottoms, so I can store the ships in magnet-lined boxes.

This model is the Syren, a one-of-a-kind Austro-Hungarian Aeronef that was supplied with a starter set years ago. The Aeronef rules were published by Wessex Games, but most of the models were made by Brigade Models. However, Brigade Models has since published their own rules, Imperial Skies, and the model range is now dedicated to their own rules. The Syren is no longer listed in the catalog.

Meanwhile, I'm still painting up the models from that long-ago starter set. I'm not clear if Wessex Games is still active, but I do know they don't respond to email. I've still got my Aeronef rules, so nothing is stopping me from playing, and if I ever pick up Imperial Skies, I can play that too.