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15mm Orc Army for Mighty Armies

Orc Army Box Set
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$29.95 USD

Wolf Riders (20)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£22.00 GBP

Orc Hydra
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$9.99 USD

Orc Trebuchet
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$14.95 USD

Varrig’s Strong Arm - Heavy Catapult
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£8.00 GBP

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Ravensworth writes:

I really like your wolf Riders and great deal!

Revision Log
25 September 2021page first published

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3,952 hits since 25 Sep 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I just realized that I have a few armies around here that never previously made it into Showcase, so here's one!


As you may remember, my original Mighty Armies Orc army was sent to the Philippines, and Editor Julia and I played many games over Skype. I've been gradually building a new army.


This army is composed of Mighty Armies and DemonWorld figures, painted for TMP by painting services.


In the center is a small Orc horde, from the Mighty Armies Orc army set.


I based these the 'old' way – four figures per base – which looks good for a horde. (Mighty Armies currently suggests three figures per infantry base.)


These are DemonWorld wolf riders. Due to the length of the models, I decided to base them on the large Mighty Armies bases (2" x 2").


The wolf rider leader is currently the only leader in the army, so he doubles as army commander.


There's a DemonWorld heavy catapult, a Mighty Armies Hydra with Orc tamer, and a Mighty Armies trebuchet.


These Goblin Wolf Riders also come from the Orc army set (two per set, but somehow I scored some extras). I really should move these to my embryonic Goblin army…

It's a small army, but I have an older Orc army that I plan to rebase for Mighty Armies. And I think I have some painted Orcs around here somewhere, waiting to be based up… grin