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Turgut Reis-Class Aerial Cruiser

Turgut Reis class Cruiser
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Suggested Retail Price
£2.75 GBP

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7 October 2024page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I'm continuing to work on my Turkish fleet, and today is the unveiling of a Turgut Reis-class cruiser.

Turgut Reis-class cruiser

The model was formerly part of the Aeronef range, but is now part of the Imperial Skies range – different rules systems, same general concept.

Turgut Reis-class cruiser

I have only painted Turkish dirigibles before, so this was my first aerial ship proper for the Turks. I kept the same color scheme, and used tan for the deck. I might go back and add a flag later.

Turgut Reis-class cruiser

I didn't like the plastic flight stand that came with the model, so I used a metal flight stand from my stores, and painted it sky blue. There is FlexSteel (LITKO) on the bottom.

Turgut Reis-class cruiser

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