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Eureka Amazon Project: Nude Slingers

Amazon Nude Slinger (4 variants)
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Suggested Retail Price
$9.00 AUD

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NOLA Chris writes:

Looking good! (the paints, of course)
I'm trying some of the GW contrast paints on my Amazons,
they look like they'll speed up my army's painting
(about 75 minis for Dragon Rampant)

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3 August 2019page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Nude Amazon slingers

Finishing up with this phase of our Amazon project, we've previously shown you the Axewomen, the Hoplites, and the Phalangites, and here are the Slingers. These figures were donated by Eureka Miniatures, and painted for TMP by Fernando Enterprises to match a prototype figure painted by Beowulf Fezian. I did the basing and flocking. LITKO Flexible Steel base bottoms were added for storage purposes.

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"Nude Amazon slingers"

This is a unit of 13 slingers, which seems an odd number, so I'll have to dig up the army design to see if I'm missing a figure or if this just was one of those 'points things'. grin

Nude Amazon slingers

One of these figures is the prototype painted by Beowulf Fezian. Can you spot it? The other figures were painted to match by our friends at Fernando Enterprises.

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"Nude Amazon slingers"

These figures are sold as four figures to the set, with four variants. So there's one slinger sort of standing there (has long hair), one with sling above her shoulders (curly hair), one slinger kneeling to get a slingstone, and one with sling at waist ready to fire (hair combed back).

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"Nude Amazon slingers"

Their only equipment is a bag with an over-the-shoulder strap, presumably full of slingstones or maybe a cold lunch. grin

Nude Amazon slingers

I did some touch-up on the figures, minor stuff to correct hair that didn't get painted all the way to the edge, and straps that didn't get painted on the side.

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"Nude Amazon slingers"

My next step will be to go back to the original army plans, and do an inventory to see if I've got all the figures, or if anything is still missing. An army of nude Amazons is a bit out of the ordinary, but they make me smile. grin