This classic Dragon recently crossed my workbench for an update.

Decades ago, Grenadier launched the Dragon of the Month series. It was popular enough to spawn a second series the following year, as I recall.

I had a buddy who collected the first series, but he found them difficult to paint, and somehow I ended up with all of them. I don't recall if I bought them, or if he gave them to me.

I salvaged one of the Dragons he had started painting, and then painted two more – this is one of them, so it has to be one of the oldest paintjobs in my collection. And the other nine are probably in my Lead Pile still.

Back in those days, I was doing a lot of reviews for the gaming magazines, and I received for review a batch of the latest products: a new type of metallic paints that were applied with an applicator. (I think they were simply rebranded eyeshadow!) So when I painted this model back in the day, the silver was done with this new sort-of-waxy paint. (It never caught on.)

This Blue Dragon has crossed my workbench several times over the years, as I've changed bases or repaired the wings. This time, I'm rebasing it on a 50mm x 100mm LITKO 3mm wooden base to use with my 15mm fantasy armies.

Above, you can see a 28mm fantasy figure, to give you a sense of scale. The Dragon will work well for 28mm gaming too. And yes, this model is still being sold, so you can still pick up one of your own!