I have been wanting to get into Kryomek for a long time. The models are great, the setting is fun, the rules don't seem too complicated… Usually, I would study the rules, design my initial forces, acquire the figures I don't already have, and start painting in a very organized manner.
Well, screw that. As George S. Patton once said:
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
Realizing that coming up with a plan was preventing me from getting my project off the ground, I decided to just grab a pack and start painting!

The Cyclos are on the Human side in Kryomek – they're convict infantry. I assume the device on their skulls is a form of mind control or discipline.

The pack I grabbed is the Heavy Weapons Team – three Cyclos with big guns.

I believe the Cyclo above is holding a recoilless rifle. The figure has a lot of character.

I went with a light skintone because I was trying out Coat d'arms Flesh paint, and that's how it turned out. They look like they've been confined indoors for a long time!

I went with yellow for the uniform color as it seemed like something you might wear in a penitentiary, and nobody is going to give proper cammo to expendables.

The Cyclo above is armed with a chain gun (I think).

Since they're convict infantry, I assume they're given whatever weapons are surplus. I painted the guns in military green.

This figure has a molding defect on the face, which I was unsuccessful in completely cleaning up. I went with gold for the skull implant.

This crouching Cyclo is also carrying a chain gun. After painting the figures in basic colors, I used Coat d'arms Dark Brown Wash to shade them.

I based the figures on steel disks, which are convenient for storage in boxes lined with magnetic sheet on the bottom. I used green flock as that's a typical battlefield color.