Yesterday, when I showed off the Volcano Dwarf clerics, I said that they might be the final units for the army.

After a quick inventory of my workbench… yes, this army is complete!

It's not a large army – just 35 stands, lots of guns and a disproportionate number of command stands.

The whole project started back in the 90s, when I painted up some Grenadier Dwarves for a 'last stand' type scenario involving command and spear, plus a few Ral Partha wagon-mounted ballistas (half-painted and back in the lead pile somewhere!).

The opposing army was intended to be Goblins and maybe some Kobolds. The rules were probably Battlesystem. The figures were originally single-based, with the idea that I could change bases for different rulesets. My friends didn't think much of the red-and-yellow color scheme – the McDonaldland Dwarves, they said.

Well, I changed jobs, moved around the country a few times, and the figures ended up in a box somewhere. And one day, I dug them out, and said: let's finish this army!

During my long project pause, I had picked up more Grenadier Dwarves at sale prices – enough for a nice gun line, and a small body of well-disciplined troops.

By now, I already had several Dwarf armies, so I had to figure out what made this one unique. Looking at the color scheme, I figured these guys were chaotic and perhaps a bit crazy – they live in volcanos! They have a small army with lots of guns and a little magic, and make extensive use of allies and mercenaries.

So I rebased the Dwarves I'd painted all those years ago, and sent the rest from my lead pile off to our good friends in Sri Lanka – Fernando Enterprises – for painting to match the original look. And then I based them up, and here we are!

What next? Well, I've been dreaming up some kind of campaign with the Volcano Dwarves going on the attack against some nice, peaceful peoples… with a variety of oddball and sometimes low-value allies and mercenaries. I've got plenty of recent armies that need to get onto the tabletop!

You'll see the Volcano Dwarves again, I promise!