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Stan Johansen Miniatures' Painting Service

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unknown member writes:

I used to get Stan to paint some of mine but I thought he said hre was retiring and that was a few years ago.

Revision Log
17 November 2006page first published

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11,669 hits since 17 Nov 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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It's a pretty rare event when a TMP member is so excited about a painting service, that they write in and send me photos of the finished work!


However, that's the case with unknown member, who says, "If it wasn't for you, Bill, and your website, I would never have found this service and website."


In fact, unknown member was so excited that he forgot to tell me which painting service he'd used! But I got it out of him eventually...

Fantasy figures

...Stan Johansen Miniatures.