A little over two years ago, John Leahy of All About Miniatures finished up a nice little Orc army for TMP. However, while he loves to paint, writing articles isn't his favorite thing...

So instead of an article on how he painted these figures, here are photos of the finished figures.

All of these 15mm Orcs come from Rebel Minis' Mighty Armies Orcs boxed set, which provides figures for:
- 1 Orc Warlord
- 1 Shaman
- 1 Black Orc unit
- 4 Orc Hordes
- 2 Orc Archer units
- 2 Goblin Hordes
- 2 Wolf Rider units

The boxed set comes with plastic bases, but in this case the figures have been based on Litko wooden bases. (The official Mighty Armies bases are slightly larger.)

For storage purposes, I've added FlexSteel to the bottoms of the bases (also from Litko).