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Beowulf's Microscale GEVs

Medium Cargo G.E.V. (pack of 4)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

Light Gun Carrier - 1cm Gatling (pack of 4)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.00 USD

Light Gun Carrier - AT Missile (pack of 4)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.00 USD

Mortar Carrier - 15cm / Counter Battery (pack of 4)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.00 USD

Light APC / ICV - Machine Gun (pack of 4)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.00 USD

Light ICV / ATM (pack of 4)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$6.00 USD

Med. Weapons Carrier - Auto Cannon (pack of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

Med. Weapons Carrier - 25mm Gatling (pack of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

Med. Weapons Carrier - AA Missiles (pack of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

Light Tank - Auto Cannon (pack of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

Light Gun Tank - HVAP (pack of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

Light Tank - AA Missiles (pack of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD

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Beowulf Fezian writes:

Hard science-fiction has always been an interest of mine. So when I saw that Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian needed someone to paint some C-in-C microscale GEVs, I volunteered immediately. Why not? I like the subject, and I really like C-in-C models.


The Miniatures

One week after accepting the commission, I received the package: twelve hover vehicles, ranging from a humble cargo van to powerful tanks. These came packed in clear plastic boxes. (The boxes do come in handy for storing the vehicles later.)

Again, the detail that C-in-C managed in these little gems is amazing. The underside is detailed with fans, in case you want to paint it as well.

GEV bottom fans

Clean-up required was minimal and quickly done. Then I primed the little vehicles with white. (I prefer white over priming with black in this scale.)

Medium Cargo GEV

The medium cargo GEV is the miniature I liked the most. It is an unassuming cargo van, with no frills, designed to be used and abused. It looks the part! I can see convoys of these as objective markers.

Light Gun Carrier - AT Missile

Light Gun Carrier - 1cm Gatling

There are three light gun-carriers/APCs. One comes with a 1cm Gatling gun, another with an AT-missile/recoilless gun. The interior is very detailed, and you could add some crew if you wanted to.

Mortar Carrier - 15cm/Counter Battery

The last one is a mortar carrier, with a radar dome for counter-battery missions.

Light APC/ICV - Machine Gun


Then we have two fully enclosed light APCs/ICVs. The first one has a machine gun mounted in a cupola, and the other one has a missile system. These look like a great way to move your troopers around in (relative) safety.

Med. Weapons Carrier - 25mm Gatling

Med. Weapons Carrier - AA Missiles

Then we have three different versions of the medium weapon carrier: with autocannon mount, 25mm Gatling gun and AA missiles.

Med. Weapons Carrier - Auto Cannon

Any of these would be a valuable addition to an armored force.

Light Tank - Auto Cannon

And lastly, we have three light-tank versions: autocannon, HVAP gun and AA missiles. You can never have too much AA protection!

Light Gun Tank - HVAP

Light Tank - AA Missiles


I like simple and striking paintjobs for this scale. After some pondering, I decided to use one of my surviving Polly S paints: I believe it is RLM Grey, but I cannot be sure, since the label went AWOL a long time ago. I added some amoeba-like splotches in a bluish purple, to make the camouflage slightly alien.

I then drybrushed the whole model with a mix of the base color and white, aiming for a lot of contrast so the details would be visible on these tiny models. I then painted any details - such as canvas tops, lights and weapons - in appropriate colors. I decided to not to paint the skirts a different color. Then I drybrushed the lower part of the vehicles a sandy brown to weather them a little.


Next step was a wash with Winsor & Newton Nut Brown ink. That toned down the stark drybrush, and gave definition to the model.


Lastly, I varnished the whole batch with Dullcote matte varnish. Finished!

Now I am considering possible uses for these little GEVs. Fear not, they will see action before long!