As you've seen previously, I'm putting together a new Dwarf army – the Volcano Dwarves. They're a little more… chaotic… than my other Dwarves.

This week, the army gets its first guns! I'm using the ex-Grenadier 15mm Dwarves (well, they were still Grenadier when I bought them!), currently available from Mirliton.

This is actually my second time around with these models, as I painted one up previously for my 'regular' 15mm Dwarf army.

This time, I had the figures painted by our friends in Sri Lanka – Fernando Enterprises.

When the figures arrived, I mounted them on 2" x 2" plastic Mighty Armies (Rebel Minis) bases, then textured with spackle, painted brown on top and yellow on the sides, and flocked.

Looks like I need to clean some flock off the mount of that cannon – whoops! Funny what you don't see until you take the pictures…

See the black lip on the bottom of the bases? I put LITKO FlexSteel there, so the bases will 'stick' to magnetic sheet in my storage boxes.

I tried to vary up the crew positions for variety, within the limits of what we know about Dwarven artillery practices.

My concept of the Volcano Dwarves is that they have a lot of artillery, not a lot of infantry, and utilize lots of mercenary cannon fodder.

I also expect to 'hire them out' as mercenaries to the highest bidders!
For comparison, here were my instructions to the painters:
Cannon barrel: Fiery red
Cannon Stand: black, with silver metal parts. Volcano brown with yellow lava.
Artillerist: Red coat, yellow hat, golden fire-starter stick with red dragon head. White beard.
Ammo Carriers: Helmet iron, hat varied colors, ammo is glowing red hot on charred wood
Please assemble the cannon and stand; leave the crew separate.