Some time ago, I embarked on a project to get my long-languishing Goblins out of the Lead Pile and onto the gaming table. Fortunately, Old Guard Painters in Ukraine was there to help!

My notes say there are supposed to be four of these, so I imagine I will find two more painted models soon.

My notes, however, do not disclose the origin of these figures. Well, other than in a box labeled Goblins in my Lead Pile…

These figures were sent, and the work completed, prior to the current war in Ukraine.

If you recognize these figures, please give a shout out.

When I received the painted figures, I based them on cavalry-size slottabases.

This one has quite a tilt – not sure if it was sculpted this way, came out of the mold this way, or some combination of the two.

I asked for yellowskins, but they gave me greenskins, and I'm fine with that, just a different tribe of Goblins!

At the end of the day, I'm just glad to get these figures painted after all these years!

I missed out on consistency, as I realize some of my Goblins are on green bases and some on black. I think I'll use the 'different tribes' excuse again.