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1:200 Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Jovian Chronicles Syreen Garage Kit
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$49.99 USD

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25 January 2016page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

This is a tale of a great paint job, and a series of screw-ups and accidents! Maybe you'll learn something from our mistakes…

A very long time ago, Fusion Models sent TMP this model to be painted for the Workbench. They make a few garage models – limited-edition resin models – based on Dream Pod 9's intellectual property.

The Syreen is an exo-armor in the Jovian Chronicles/Lightning Strike sci-fi universe. Think of it as a 'mech that flies in space.

Now this model is way too large for gaming. It's a display model. The minis for Lightning Strike are 1:500 scale, and this model is 1:200 scale.

Frequent-Workbencher Beowulf Fezian volunteered to build and paint this one for TMP. Which he did. And then he shipped it.

That's When the Accidents Began…

The model was damaged on arrival, so it went onto my workbench. Some of the pieces had broken off, the paint was scratched, and the soft wire from the stand had bent and twisted.

I made repairs and touched up the paint. The wire could not be straightened, so I shortened it. The base needed a total repaint, so I took care of that, plus I gave the base a gloss coat for protection.

Then, when everything was done… the model took a tumble off the "paint drying" shelf. So I made further repairs… but a few of the scrapes added to the realism, so I kept those!

Meanwhile, the gloss coat that I thought was such a good idea was not working out. I took a recommendation to try Mod Podge, which is described by the manufacturer as an "all-in-one glue, sealer and finish." The problem is that dust adheres to the finish, as you can see in the photos, and it doesn't wipe off. (I hope it will wash off!)

So that's the long story of this model, and now here are the pictures. If there are any imperfections, please blame me and not Beowulf Fezian!

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor

Syreen CEA-01 Exo-Armor