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Memoir '44 Painted German Infantry

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6 August 2024page first published

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809 hits since 6 Aug 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I wrote previously about having some U.S. infantry from the Memoir '44 boardgame painted up, and now, here are the Germans!

German infantry

I primed the figures with a white plastic primer, then sent them off to be painted to our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, who used their own references in painting the figures. When the figures returned, I added some flock to the top of their cast-on bases, then sealed everything with clear matte spray.

German infantry

The figure is about 17mm tall, but it's in a crouched pose, so might be considered 20mm for scale.

German infantry

I think they look much better painted. grin.