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The Good Guys Get a Command Vehicle

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TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP writes:

With the mast, I had a strange deja vu of Boppers…

I know, it's an OGRE laser tower without the OGRE!

I'm rather fond of the PJ, Bill, lest you miss that for the humor.

Not sure I want the old beasts reissued. Have a fair number I've never put to use, and was waiting for a post like this to rekindle interest.

What AM I saying? I never unload ANYTHING. ;->=

Cast away!


Revision Log
9 April 2013page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

While I was reviewing Rolling Thunder - and, apparently, offending the designer by asking him enough questions so I could play the flawed campaign - I got the bug to actually try Dirtside II (the rules are available for free at Ground Zero Games' website), and to field a hovercraft-themed army.

My "old" 6mm sci-fi armies are desert-themed, but this time I wanted to paint up some armies that would goad me into refurbishing some of my old modular "European" terrain. So I decided to start with a test model, to try out a new paint scheme.

And since every Dirtside II player needs a command vehicle, that seemed the right place to start.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a "command" hovercraft in my collection, so I did a simple conversion. I started with the APC GEV from Fortress Figures (sadly, this model is not currently in production). The plastic is easily drilled, and I inserted a bit of aluminum rod, and topped it with the ball from a map pin - and now it has a communications mast!

(Well, maybe it looks a bit like a locomotive... grin)

I wanted a painting scheme that I could easily replicate on future vehicles in this force. I started by priming with Krylon Camouflage Olive Drab spray paint, and applied a wash of Renaissance Ink green ink. It took some experimentation to find the right drybrush color, but I finally settled on a surprise choice - an old bottle of Adikolor Orc Flesh. (This works so well, I might start using this technique on my historicals...)

Now, for the camo. I was thinking to go for a early-WWII French-style camo, with black lines separating the colors - but wasn't sure I could do it in 6mm. To give it a more futuristic look, I decided to go "amoeboid" with the color splashes.

After a lot of thought, I decided to go with yellow as the second color. As an experiment, I tried an old pot of Musket Miniatures Cavalry Yellow - this turned out to have a perfect combination of coverage and flow, and I was easily able to paint the shapes (though they weren't very amoeboid!). When this was dry, I applied a wash of yellow ink (generic from an art store), followed (when dry) by a drybrush of a white-yellow paint from Renaissance Ink. What worked out conveniently was that the green base-color was so dark, I didn't have to be very exact with the wash or even the drybrush. I then added the lining using Coat D'arms black, and learned once again that it's not the size of the brush, it's the quality of the point.

Next, I did the hovercraft skirt. I painted it Ceramcoat Charcoal Gray, washed with Renaissance Ink black ink, and drybrushed with a medium gray from Renaissance Ink.

Finally, I painted the machinegun FolkArt Gunmetal Gray.

I'm lately experimenting with thick wooden bases for my microarmor, so this vehicle was based on a 1"-square base from Litko.

Command GEV

Command GEV

Command GEV

Command GEV

Command GEV

Command GEV

So now my "good guys" force has a command vehicle. I haven't figured out much of a background yet, something about a young soldier of fortune who has married into a minor branch of royalty, and launched a mercenary company themed around hovercraft...