I picked up these wonderful figures years ago, when I had (ahem) a serious eBay problem (I couldn't resist a deal!).

They were up to no good in my lead pile, so I sent them off to our friends in Ukraine, Old Guard Painters. And now they're back, and I've glued them on Mighty Armies plastic bases, contoured the bases with spackle, painted and flocked the bases, and put some LITKO FlexSteel on the bottoms (for magnetic storage).

Six bases does not an army make, but I can always use them as mercenaries or allies. I color-coded the bases with gold edges, to make it easy for newbies to see which armies/forces are which.

My instructions to the painters were:
Brown horse, tan tail. Red lance with black handle; red shield with gold edge and black horse’s head on shield. ‘Blue steel’ armor. Gray cloth on back of horse. Black tassel on helmet.

According to my notes, these are 15mm Armored Centaur Knights from Grenadier. That company is long gone, but many of their figures are currently available from Mirliton. However, I do not see any centaurs listed in their online catalog.

The only problem I have with these figures is that they came out of the mold with a slight lean. I couldn't straighten them, so I left them that way.

I was very happy with the way the shields turned out:

The only painting defect that I see is that some of the lances ended up lumpy. This is in the paint, not on the figures.

I'll have to look in the lead pile to see if I have any more centaurs, as I think the manufacturer also did some bow-armed centaurs.

I don't have anything else to say, so let's just enjoy the minis: