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Rust Devils' Command Vehicle

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Valderian writes:


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19 July 2015page first published

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Statting the Rust Devils

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7,691 hits since 19 Jul 2015
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I'm slowly puttering along with filling out my Dirtside units. Both forces are mercenaries. The "good guys" are the Wildcats; their frequent opponent is the Kriegsmir Kollectiv, known as the "Rust Devils" for their use of secondhand and outdated equipment.

I wanted a command vehicle for the Rust Devils and didn't have anything on hand, so I went exploring in my bits bin.

I have a little cabinet filled with "lost" bits of 6mm vehicles (mostly historicals). My friends donate orphaned hulls and turrets, and I throw in any spares I have. Sometimes, I'll find a "match" and save a model. More often, I'll use the bits for scratch sci-fi projects...

This time, I started with an orphaned hull (a BMP?) and tried matching various turrets. Then, with a turret from an armored car (?), I thought "what if I do this?"...

Command vehicle

Well, it definitely looks unique. Yes, I flipped the turret around, putting the original gun into the hull, making the turret's pin into the gun!

Command vehicle

The vehicle was painted in the usual Rust Devils colors - primer brown, drybrushed tan, washed with brown ink, then a red ID stripe added. The "sensor dome" - the Rust Devils are big on sensors - is painted gold.

Command vehicle

The base is a 3mm-thick wooden base from Litko, with flexsteel on the bottom.

Command vehicle

I haven't done stats for the vehicle yet, so I haven't had to decide what its odd gun actually is. A big shotgun? A demotion gun? Missile launcher?

The only problem is that I'll never be able to build another command vehicle the same way. Fortunately, the Rust Devils have lots of 'one-of's in their depots!