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Eureka Amazon Project: Axewomen

Amazon Axewoman (4 variants)
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Suggested Retail Price
$2.95 AUD

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Jeff Ewing writes:

I like the SFW photo on the front page, although the whole set is very nicely painted.

Revision Log
18 August 2017page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

One of our long-running TMP projects has been the creation of a 28mm fantasy Greek Amazon army. I believe the army was decided upon by a TMP poll. The figures were donated by Eureka Miniatures. The experiment was to mix the best of both worlds: the prototypes were to be painted by professional artist Beowulf Fezian, and then the rest of the army would be painted to match the same standard by painting service Fernando Enterprises. I would then base the figures and flock the bases.

Well, this project was launched back in the "bad old days" when I didn't have staff editors and TMP was a 'one-man show', so unfortunately, I haven't always kept up with the project or remembered to report back on how things have been going!

To build the army, we've used figures from two different ranges in the Eureka catalog, with slightly different sculpting styles. The axewomen are from the "28mm Amazons" section of the catalog, while some of the other figures shown previously are from the "28mm Myths" section.

Here is the prototype figure (left) and the figure painted by the painting service (right):

Photo blocked by adult filter:
"Prototype and copy"

To my eyes, the figures are nearly identical, except that the 'copy' has more shading. I suspect that is due to the painting style of the painting service – when you have something painted by a service, you can ask them to match colors, but it is unreasonable to expect them to change the painting style their staff are trained in.

There are four variants for the axewoman. Here are the other three versions:

Photo blocked by adult filter:
"Three variants"

Here are some pictures of the completed unit of axewomen:


Photo blocked by adult filter:

The shields will be given some kind of emblem at a later date.