In my quest to try to give the staff editors some gaming experience, I have acquired, painted, and given away multiple 15mm Dwarven armies. (Sadly, field conditions in the Philippines have not made this effort completely fruitful…)
So now I'm looking at the big whiteboard in my office, and I see that I've promised myself (among many other things!) to get back to 15mm fantasy gaming this year. Which begs the question: do I have any painted 15mm Dwarves left?

Scraping through my reserves, I find that, yes, I have the fundamentals for yet another Dwarven army. (My Volcano Dwarves don't count, they're a separate project!)

Eleven elements of Dwarf Warriors should provide the backbone of the battle line!

There are two elements of Dwarf Slayers, fanatic warriors. (OK, originally they were 'Orc Slayers', but why have a troop type limited to a particular enemy?) I saved these from a previous project.

Eight more stands of Dwarf crossbows.

Six elements of Dwarf rangers, a very useful troop type!

You've seen this before – the Dwarven War Wagon. It has ballistae rather than guns, so is a better fit here than with my Volcano Dwarves. (I need to repaint the base edges to match this army.)

And you've seen this before – actually, there are six models, but I didn't get them all out. Eagle riders. But I need to put them on more suitable bases.

Every army needs leadership, so here are two commander elements. One has two figures, one has three – useful for telling them apart, if one is the general and the other is the sub-general. (The generals, warriors, crossbows and rangers come from the Mighty Armies Dwarf army set.)

So I have a few little tasks to take care of, and this army will be ready to take the field in a new campaign.

I'm also going to make some tweaks to the campaign system, and come up with stats for everything. Lots to do!