Having based up the human faction of Final Faction – a range of action figures from Dollar Tree – I've moved on to the alien Kharn.

The Kharn consist of Drones (cannon fodder), Brutes (big but dumb), and Synthroids (AI-driven).

I decided that two Brutes would be enough for my Kharn force, and I chose to repaint them as well as base them.

I popped off the arms, leg and head and primed them black. I also primed the gun black.

The background indicates the Brutes have rock-like limbs, so I drybrushed them with grey, then added a black wash. The torso was washed with purple ink, then highlighted with a silver permanent marker. When painting the head, I looked at the artwork from the packaging, the website, and the videos, and painted it gray with red 'face'.

The painted figures were then mounted on wooden bases, and the bases were flocked. FlexSteel was added to the bottom to allow for storage in magnet-lined boxes.

These figures stand about 3½" tall. Note that if the gun is removed, these models would also work as fantasy monsters.