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Bob Olley's Scrunts

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Squash at home writes:

I was going that Bill's prediction about someone having information on the future production of these would come true.

Does anybody know about Sam Wong's plans for this IP? Or have any way to contact him?

Revision Log
2 November 2019page first published

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Taking the Spin Out of Magnetic Flight Stands

Can Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian solve the rotation problem with magnetic flight stands?

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

The nice thing about this hobby is that if you've been in it long enough, you open up some box or look on a dusty shelf, and it's like Christmas all over again! grin


Or in my case, I was doing some reorganizing and stumbled upon these wonderful Scrunts that were painted up for a Workbench article about undercoats, but never appeared in Showcase before!


Scrunts, for those of you who may not know, are sci-fi Dwarves. They are a specialty of Bob Olley of Olley's Armies.


Now, you're probably wondering which Scrunts these are… and we've learned these are the Inquisitor Scrunts.


Bob sells off some of his lines from time to time. We understand Sam Wong (AKA Lupus) in Australia now owns all rights to the Inquisitor Scrunts.

Scrunts (back)

I have no information about Sam's plans. I expect that one of our readers will chime in with more information…


So, for example, I don't know what this cool 'football' gun is called…


…but I know it comes in two sizes! grin


And there's a cool gatling-thing.


These were painted for TMP by Adam8472 Fezian of Pro-Painted Miniatures.


This looks like a flamethrower team to me.


The only thing I did with these figures was to slap LITKO FlexSteel rounds on the bottom, for storage in magnet-lined containers. Hope you enjoyed these!