As I have said many times before, I'm not some championship-level painter. I'm just a garden-variety painter, using basic techniques, so if I can do it, you can do it too.

This time, I'm back working on more Geladan figures from BeestWars. I previously painted up some Geladan archers.

In the world of BeestWars, the Geladan are primitive baboon-men who formerly lived peacefully in the mountains. They are forced now to fight to defend their lands, in alliance with others; some also serve as mercenaries.

Since I have previously painted Geladan figures, I already knew my colors and painting techniques (see previous article).

I think I used every shade of brown and tan that I own.

I was glad the spear connected with the base, as that makes the model less delicate. Handle by the base, or you'll risk knocking off the quiver.

This figure is reasonably balanced, but if I paint more of these, I might go with a slightly wider base.

If you're wondering why this figure is waving around the butt-end of his spear… well, I was wondering about that too!

But now that the figure is completed, I realize what I did wrong: I have the arms reversed! Left for right, right for left. Bonehead mistake.

That's why the spear looks bendy when it passes through the hand – it's not the sculptor's fault, it's mine!

I guess that makes it a unique customized figure.

Probably it's the way I based him, but this figure is prone to tipping backwards. If I do another one, I'll try a larger base.