I've sped through painting my second batch of brigs, and here they are:

I went into detail when I painted my first batch up as French ships, which took me forever because I wanted to get everything right and I wasn't sure which details would be important in the final work.

So these are the exact same models as the ones I painted previously, just painted up this time in "British colors" – 'baby puke yellow' was apparently a popular color in the fleet, but my yellows came out brighter.

One ship I chose to paint in a plain scheme, such as might have been used on the Great Lakes: black hull, brown masts:

I did some highlighting with dark gray on the hull, to bring out the details.

Somehow I lost/misplaced one of the spars, so there is only one spar on the rear mast.

The next ship I painted in a blue-and-yellow scheme.

My set came with a broken mast, which I cleaned up and used for this brig. Carried away in a storm? Battle damage?

Instead of painting the entire platforms on the masts, I've switched to just painting the outside band. Easier to do, almost the same effect.

What does the 'crenelated' hull represent? One theory is that the sculptor is representing hammocks. I chose to paint them in the ship's trim color (same as in the rulebook) – on this ship, that means blue.

I painted the third brig in a yellow-and-black scheme.

This ship is the only one in this set with all its parts!

What next? Sails? Rigging? Larger ships? First game? We'll see…