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Eureka Amazon Project: Nude Archers

Amazon Nude Archer (4 variants)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$2.95 AUD per figure

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HostileContact writes:


can you share some of the domestic sources? I have a few sets I would like to have done, but not enough to justify an overseas send.



Revision Log
26 February 2018page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

It's back to the Amazon Project again! Last time we showed you the nude phalangites – now, here are the nude archers!

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"Nude Amazon archers"

This is a unit of twelve archers, comprising four unique poses.

Nude Amazon archers

Several years ago, TMP readers voted to see a fantasy Amazon army, and then selected this army design (and these figures) as their choice.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

The figures were donated by the manufacturer, Eureka Miniatures.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

The prototype figures were painted by Beowulf Fezian, a professional artist. (I'm not sure if one of this set is a prototype figure.)

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"Nude Amazon archers"

Fernando Enterprises, a painting service, then painted the rest of the figures based on the prototype.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

This particular batch of figures were not painted to Fernando Enterprises' usual standard of excellence. Therefore, I did some touch-up work to make sure that the edges of things such as bow cases and straps were completely painted.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

I then based and flocked the figures.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

I filled the bases with putty, then added Litko's adhesive FlexSteel to the bottoms so the figures can be stored in magnet-lined boxes.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

Here, above and below, are the four unique poses in this range.

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"Nude Amazon archers"

One of my photography lights died while these pictures were bring taken, so soon, I'll have my upgrades – I have some LED photography lights on order.

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"Nude Amazon archers"