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SlipGrip: Glue Station

SlipGrip Hobby Mat
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Neotacha writes:

So do you think it'll be worthwhile to get one? How big is the mat?

Revision Log
26 July 2006page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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To try the SlipGrip out as a "gluing station," I gathered some painted but unbased figures, bases, and several types of glue.

Figures, bases, glue, and hobby mat

The figures are from another Workbench project - some Great Orc Pirates (Foundry), painted by Fernando Painting. (I'll have more pictures of them - and a full write-up - when I finish basing them...)

Foundry's Great Orc Pirates, as painted by Fernando Painting

I'm trying some new bases with these figures - 25mm magnetic bases from Gale Force Nine. When you take them out of their wrapper, you find the individual bases are "stuck" (magnetically) to a self-adhesive rubbery sheet.

Gale Force Nine magnetic bases

Each base is essentially a "sandwich" - a textured plastic surface on top, and a rubbery magnetic layer on the bottom.

Gale Force Nine magnetic base (close-up)

Gluing went uneventfully. The instructions that come with the bases recommend using superglue. For purposes of testing out the hobby mat, I used three varieties: an ordinary superglue, a superglue pen, and a superglue gel. Unfortunately, I wasn't providing much of a "test" for the hobby mat - I didn't spill anything! So, after gluing down a few figures with each type of glue, I started putting a few drips and smears of glue onto the top-right corner of the mat. I also wrote my name in glue, using the pen.

For the last three figures, I decided to switch to another type of glue: epoxy.

I used epoxy glue for the last three bases

This type of glue comes as two syrup-like materials that need to be mixed before use. I squirted it directly onto the hobby mat, mixing it with a wooden stick.

Epoxy glue on the mat

I also took the opportunity to glue some of the Army for Bill figures to 20mm magnetic bases.

Epoxy glue on the mat

When all was done, I had some glue smears and a pool of epoxy to clean up:

Epoxy glue on the mat

The dried superglue cleaned up fairly easily, after being wiped with a dry paper towel. (The superglue pen left some faint discoloration, probably due to the pressure from the pen's tip.)

The superglue cleans up after wiping

Meanwhile, the epoxy was hardening! First wipes with a paper towel accomplished nothing except making the towel sticky. The "trick" was to lift one corner of the gelatainous pool, then peel the whole thing off. This left behind a sticky residue that cleaned up with a mildly soapy paper towel.

The SlipGrip after cleaning