I'm making my way through Escape From the Dark Czar (a starter set for the Napoleonic fantasy game, Flintloque). Previously, I painted the bad guys, the Savant Zombies, and then began painting up the protagonists, the brave brand trying to survive the wintry retreat from Moskova. I've finished the Ogre, and now I'm painting the Dogman.
His name is Soldaten Hulmutt Jucken. A brief biography is provided, which tells us he is a young and inexperienced soldier from the Dutchy of Neuterstadde, swept up into the Grande Armee du Nord for the invasion. He carries a Ferach musket and a knife. Fortunately, he's discovered an aptitude for soldiering (bonus when firing).
I glued the one-piece resin figure to its resin 'cartouche' base (which I filed to flatten both sides), primed white, and painted in the base colors. Not being familiar with this fantasy setting, I chose to follow the large example photo provided with the digital edition of the starter set.
Most of this figure is gray due to the overcoat. (Gray would also be a good priming color for this figure.) The pants are white, the hat is leather brown.
What I was most worried about was painting the head, as this is my first Flintloque Dogman. However, on studying the example photo, it eventually occurred to me that the head was basically black and brown, and the only tricky part was to get the boundaries of the snout correct.
So I painted the snout a tan color, drybrushed with a lighter tan, then painted the nose black with a gray highlight. The example photo had the teeth painted – I tried that, didn't like my result, so just used a black ink wash over the mouth.
Then I concentrated on the black part of the head. I painted the eyeballs, then painted around the eyes with black. This took several attempts, as I confused myself about exactly where the eyes were! Then I painted the rest of the head, carefully getting the black on the 'cheeks' of the snout. I painted the raised part of the ears tan, and left the interior black.

I then applied Coat d'Arms Super Wash: Dark Brown across the entire figure, using a medium brush to control the effect and avoid pooling.
Then I went back to fix any areas where the wash was too strong, and to add details or reinforce highlights as needed.

Since this game is set in the frozen North, I flocked the base with white sand to resemble snow. The base edges were painted blue to designate the Armee du Nord side.
A matte sealcoat was sprayed on, and a LITKO FlexSteel base bottom was added for storage purposes. Note that you need to flatten the base bottom in the preparation stage, so that the base bottom can adhere to a flat surface.

I'm happy with the results. I didn't match the quality of the example photo, but I think I'm close enough for wargaming purposes.
The one oddity is that the base edges became a bit frosted from the sealcoat, so I need to touch them up.