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"No, They're Not Christmas Figures!"

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Sargonarhes writes:

Wasn't there two figures in this set where one was a corpse and the other just a pair of boots? Or am I thinking of an other set?

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23 December 2019page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I've been working on these figures for quite a while, and visitors like to ask, "oh, painting some Elves for Christmas?"

And I snap back, "No, it's Star Trek in the Wrath of Khan uniforms! It's not Christmas! They're not elves!"

These figures were on my workbench for what seemed like an eternity, but now they're done:

Federation officers

They are from the Star Fleet line, and I don't recall who produced them. Pack 9501 Federation Officers. And now that I see the close-up photos, I realize I've failed. Maybe they're not the best figures from years ago, but I've not done well by them. Maybe you're wondering why I'm showing them here?

Federation officers - Spock and Kirk

(And how in the world did Kirk get a mouthful of brown wash at the last minute? Gotta clean that up!)

Federation officers - McCoy and Scotty

In a hobby where what we see online is often dominated by the best-of-the-best painted figures, sometimes it's good to admit that all of us have our painting challenges.

Federation officers - trainee officer and Uhuru

(I painted up the Sulu figure as a trainee officer – can't have enough of those!)

Federation officers - Saavik and Chekov

So my gift to you this Christmas is… my admission that I'm not a perfect painter (and neither are you). And that's OK. Practice makes perfect, so I'll keep on trying. And imperfect figures still play just fine on the gaming table.

Merry Christmas!