BeestWars is a set of rules and range of figures from Gary Hunt Miniatures, and one of the factions available are the barbarians, which include the Hyena Men of Hararre. Their shamans have magical shapeshifting abilities, and the hyenas are strangely intelligent…

These hyena models are part of the Barbarian Hyenaman With Pets pack, which comes with multiple bases, giving you the option of basing the barbarian and hyenas individually, or together on a larger base (with the hyenas being chained). I decided to have my hyenas individually based.

These are slottabase models, and the legs are slim, so be careful handling them.

Even though this is a fantasy setting, I chose to try a realistic look, and did an internet search to get an idea for what hyenas would look like.

I'm just a basic painter, so I used drybrushing and washes as usual on these models. I particularly wanted to get the smoky look on the muzzle and around the eyes, and a pattern of spots on the body.

I finished by flocking the bases and applying a protective matte clear spray coat. LITKO FlexSteel was added to the bottom for storage in magnet-lined boxes.