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Dwarven Forge Dungeon, Painted

Game Tiles Set x 1 (Unpainted)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$55 USD

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farnox writes:

Nice job! I'll have to look into getting some of these.

Revision Log
7 September 2017page first published

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Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I promised you pics, so here they are! The dungeon project is finished, stage one:


There are enough dungeon tiles to cover a single gaming table, with a few tiles left over.


This is Stage One, so just the basic tiles (plus one door that I've already painted up).


It was a big project, very simple to paint but there was so much of it. I worked in batches of five tiles at a time.


Dedicating a table to the dungeon, and leaving the dungeon set up so I could see it grow as I painted more and more pieces, was definitely a key to keeping me going.


Although I used the same paints and techniques throughout, there is definitely variation among the tiles. Some batches came out lighter; some batches came out darker.


Of course, I could have purchased a pre-painted dungeon set. That would have cost considerably more, and I would have had to accept the factory paint job.


The next step? Painting some dungeon doors.


The 'fault line' running across the dungeon is due to this being a folding table. grin It's not perfectly flat in the middle.


I've also got to look around and see what I have in the way of monsters and adventurers for this dungeon. Some of my wargaming models look better in this dungeon than others, due to their basing.