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Return of the Yellow Adder Combat Car

Yellow Adder Combat Car (3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£9.45 GBP

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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Nice work on the Adder Bill.

Could you update The Ion Age to point to please.



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19 May 2020page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

It was a while back that I wrote about painting up some 15mm Adder Combat Cars for a sci-fi project I was working on. The astute among you may have noticed that I bought the three-pack at a savings, but only used two of the cars…

Yellow Adder Combat Car

So here is #3, painted in a more conventional military style.

Yellow Adder Combat Car

And yes, it's called the Yellow Adder Combat Car, but that's a background thing, you don't have to paint it yellow. grin It's the fire-support model in the series.

Yellow Adder Combat Car

I didn't have any immediate plans for this model, so I painted it up 'army green' to match another miscellaneous model in the collection.

Yellow Adder Combat Car

Some kind of force will coalesce soon, I'm sure.

Yellow Adder Combat Car

Note that the manufacturer has reduced the price since the time I purchased my set. I've updated the price in the sidebar.