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Rebasing My 6mm A7Vs

A7V Tank
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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP writes:

I got 2 of those I use for Epic Ork Battle Fortresses. I posted those pic on the 6mm Sci-fi forum a ways back. Painted the each in a different WWI Camo pattern. I added some more weapons too.

Revision Log
24 August 2021page first published

Areas of Interest

World War One

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I recently got around to rebasing my 6mm scale German A7V tanks.


These are probably some of the oldest minis in my collection. They are not listed in the Heroics & Ros webshop currently. My painting was pretty basic back then, lots of washes and stains, trying to make vehicles look like they were out in the sunlight. Dark gray for windows and guns, and rust for the exhaust pipe.


I'm gradually rebasing my 6mm vehicles to be on 3mm wooden bases, easier to pick up than the steel bases I used to prefer. The 1" square bases are the smallest that I'm using for vehicles, or larger as the model requires.


The 'base treatment' is fine railroad ballast, so that these vehicles will now match with my 6mm WWI German infantry. It might be out of scale, but it gives the impression of no man's land.


The guns have not fared well over the years, getting bent or knocked off, so most of these have been repaired with paper-clip wire guns.

Now, these old soldiers are ready for future battles!