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Masterworks: Elmore Set #1

Masterworks: Elmore Set #1
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Suggested Retail Price
$29.95 USD

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Zaphod Beeblebrox writes:

Hmmm. Dark Blue would also look very good :D I just don't like the brown Drow. I have a painter friend who once said "I'm brown, and I'm not a drow..." Thought it was quite funny :) Keeps my purples from drying up too!

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2 November 2004page first published

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The good folks at Dark Sword Miniatures were kind enough to send us the Masterworks: Elmore Set #1 boxed set, and we're going to do a multi-part series with it - beginning now with this Showcase article, to be followed in a few months by Workbench articles by some terrific painters as they work their magic on these figures.

Masterworks: Elmore set #1

The concept behind the Masterworks series has been to start with great paintings from well-known artists, and then have those two-dimensional visions brought into three dimensions by some of the best sculptors in the business. This set, the first in the series, unites artist Larry Elmore with sculptor Dennis Mize.

The six figures in this boxed set are: