I decided to replace my 15mm Mighty Armies Dwarven army (after I gave my original army to Editor Julia), so I picked up more figures and sent them off to our friends at Fernando Enterprises.

Now they're back, and I've based them up, and here they are. I'm not showing all of the stands for the double-size army, but just the four troop types:

Dwarven King

Since this is a double-army, there is a second command stand. This standard is in gold; the other is in silver, and can be used as a sub-commander in a larger army.
Dwarven Rangers

In Mighty Armies, the Rangers are the same as crossbowmen, plus the extra ability of Scouts (they can deploy in ambush positions, and are more resilient to bow fire).
Dwarven Warriors

I could kick myself, as I neglected to take advantage of the skilled painters at Fernando – I should have let them paint up something terrific for the shields. Instead, I asked for green shields, and they gave me very nice green shields that are lighter green at the top and darker green at the bottom.
So it was up to me to decorate the shields. I looked on the internet for Dwarven runes, and used a golden paint marker to draw them onto the shields.
Dwarven Crossbowmen

The nice thing about the crossbowmen is that they can also fight in melee combat – their Fighting score is identical to the warriors, though their Support score is less. (They are probably also cheaper in points than they should be…)
The first-edition Mighty Armies boxed sets came with plastic bases with beveled edges. I didn't like them at first, and didn't use them. Beveled edges look nice, but are harder to pick up. However, the bases somehow grew on me, and now I am using them for all my Mighty Armies armies. I like the weight of the solid bases, too.
I like to color-code the edges of my bases by army, as it helps new gamers figure out which troops belong to them! In this case, I went with a stone gray color that I thought represented Dwarves well.
I also added Litko FlexSteel under the bases, to make them easy to store in my magnet-lined "pizza box" storage.
I was looking forward to trying this army out on the gaming table… but Editor Gwen
has got herself addicted to an online game called Clash of Clans, and now she's quite excited to try fantasy wargaming. So I've promised this army to her.