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3 - The Assembled Stalingrad Apartment Building

Stalingrad Apartment Building
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HobbyGuy writes:


The showp is OOB from what I've seen, no one has seen or heard from them for a long time.

You can buy the building from Double G (George G.) above (which is Minute man toy soldiers).

Revision Log
4 April 2000page first published

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World War Two on the Land

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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two halves of the building

The engineering of this kit is very interesting, as the entire building is designed to split down the middle, providing access to the interior for placing and moving troops.

the dividing line, from side to roof to side

A dividing line runs up both sides and across the roof.

top view

The manufacturer sent along these photos (above and below) to show what the apartment building can look like when completed and painted. The 15mm tank gives an idea of the actual size.

front view