From time to time, I like to use Showcase to highlight some little-known model or range. And, since I have one of these on my desk at the moment, this seemed a good time to mention C in C's line of 1/285th scale science-fiction vehicles.

There are only five models in the Modern Science Fiction line. ASF-3 Heavy Hover Tank comes in the usual plastic box packed with gray foam, with the components sitting bottom-up (turrets and small pieces are often placed under the foam).

The model consists of two components: hull and turret. The hull includes two forward hatches and two large intakes/engines. The hull bottom is flat and featureless. The wide, flat turret has two circular hatches.

The pieces are cast crisply. There is a barely visible mold line along the hover skirts, which looks easily cleaned up.

The hull measures 40mm from front of hull to back of engines, 23mm wide, and 9mm from bottom of hull to top of intakes.