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15mm Barbarians: Old Chariots, New Chariots

Barbarians Box Set
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25 April 2020page first published

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15mm DemonWorld Imperial Champions

Beefing up my Imperials with a unit of champions.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I'm in the process of expanding my fantasy barbarian army, and since they're barbarians, I realized I didn't have to do "more of the same" – different groups of barbarians can have different 'looks'.

Barbarian chariots

The last time around, I showed you the barbarian warriors. This time, it's the glamor boys – chariots!

New chariot, old chariot

Here's a comparison shot of the new chariot (left) and the old chariot (right).

New chariot, old chariot

My painting directions for the reinforcements has kept them 'less fancy' than the old chariots, which gives me the option to field them as regular and elite chariots.

New chariot, old chariot

The reinforcements are more blonde, and the chariot decorations are in gold rather than skull-like.

Barbarian chariot

The new chariots were painted for TMP by Blue Table.

Barbarian chariot

The antlers are separate pieces, assembled by the painters for me.

Barbarian chariots

The antlers complicate things, as it limits where you can place the animals on the base, and they can prevent other chariots from lining up properly.

Barbarian chariots

Alternately, I could have mounted the chariots one per base, but that wouldn't match up with the original army (which was based as recommended for Mighty Armies).

Barbarian chariots

Multi-part models such as chariots don't ship too well in the mail, so I had the painting service leave the final assembly to me.

Barbarian chariots

I started by gluing the animals down to the bases, texturing them in with spackle.

Barbarian chariots

When the spackle was dry, I added the chariot to the base, then added the crew to the chariot.

Barbarian chariot connections

You can see above how the chariots attach to the reindeer.

Barbarian chariot crews

The crew consist of driver and archer. The driver needs to fit up front, so not a lot of options there. The archer can be posed in different directions, but is hard to fit entirely within the chariot.

Barbarian chariots

After all the models were attached to the base, I painted the top Mississippi Mud, let it dry, then flocked.

Barbarian chariots

These reinforcements boost my chariot force from two bases up to seven – two allied tribes, or maybe some barbarian-on-barbarian action!