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Green Witch #2

Masterworks: Elmore Set #1
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31 October 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The figure known as Green Witch #2 is not actually a witch, but rather, the second figure based on the Green Witch artwork - in this case, a swashbuckler who appears to be confronting Green Witch #1.

Green Witch #2 (front)

This is another one-piece figure, with no imperfections that I could spot.

Green Witch #2 (back)

Of particular interest is the way that Dennis Mize has been able to depict the way the figure's cape flows, particularly where it drapes over the scabbard.

Green Witch #2 (close-up)

Note that Dennis has had to invent a face for this figure, as the face is not apparent in the original artwork.