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Mystery WWII Figures

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Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP writes:

It looks like the loader's machinegun bullet belt is either painted "backwards" or was sculpted "backwards" since the MG42 was fed from the left side not the right as would be presumed from the orientation of the painted bullets in the belt.


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10 September 2024page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

These figures crossed my workbench recently for repair, as one of the figures had broken loose from its base.

WWII figures

You may prove me wrong, but I'm fairly sure this is a 28mm WWII German light machinegun team – that's not the mystery.

WWII figures

And while I'm curious about the poses – how exactly does that ammo belt feed into the machinegun? – that's not the mystery either.

WWII figures

And if anyone recognizes the figure manufacturer, that would be interesting to know, but that is not the mystery either.

WWII figures

The figures are mounted on lozenge-shaped bases of wood or possibly particleboard, and I have not changed that, though I added some additional static grass as part of the repair job.

WWII figures

No, the real mystery for me is where did these figures come from? I've checked TMP and I don't think they've ever been featured in an article here before. There are no markings to indicate who painted them.

WWII figures

Were these commissioned for TMP years ago, and somehow fell through the cracks? Were they a gift? Did I pick these up on an auction site? Did you paint these? Let's solve a mystery!