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15mm Amazon Bladedancers

Amazon Blade Dancer (12)
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Suggested Retail Price
$10.80 USD

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16 June 2020page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Say 'hello' to some Amazon Bladedancers, the penultimate troop class for my new 15mm Amazon army!

Amazon Bladedancers

There's only one figure pose, but the 'secret' is to (carefully) reposition the arms to get maximum variety.

Amazon Bladedancers

And the other 'secret', since these are the opposite of linear troops, is to base them irregularly, to give the illusion of 'dancing'.

Amazon Bladedancers

I believe the sculptor on these was Sandra Garrity. She mostly known for her work in larger scales, but these are little jewels.

Amazon Bladedancers

For this project, all of the Amazons were painted by our Ukrainian friends, Old Guard Painters.

Amazon Bladedancers

The painting style they used for these figures looks a bit odd in extreme close-up, but great on the tabletop.

Amazon Bladedancers

I had the painted figures shipped to me unbased, then put them on Mighty Armies 1" x 2" plastic bases (Rebel Minis).

Amazon Bladedancers

To keep them from sliding around in their storage box, I add FlexSteel on the bottom. It's a bit of rubbery material that sticks to magnets just like metal, just peel off the backing and press it in place. You can get it in any size from LITKO.

Amazon Bladedancers

One more troop type, and this army is done!