Continuing with the Eureka Amazon Project… previously, we showed you the Axewomen. This week, it's the turn of the hoplites.
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"Nude Amazon hoplites"
This pack has two poses: crouching, and knee-down.
The figures were donated by Eureka Miniatures.
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"Nude Amazon hoplites close-up"
The hoplites were painted by Fernando Enterprises to match the prototypes painted by professional artist Beowulf . In the case of the hoplites, I don't think that a specific prototype figure was painted; there were already prototypes which showed the general idea with other troop types.
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"Nude Amazon hoplites"
When the painted figures arrived from Sri Lanka, I did the basing and flocking.

In my experience, they rank up best with the couching figures in the front row, and the kneeling figures in the back row. Or maybe I've used the 'wrong' slottabases…
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"Nude Amazon hoplites"
Or maybe I need to do a better job of straightening the weapons.
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"Nude Amazon hoplites"
The shields will be completed at a later time.
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"Nude Amazon hoplites"