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Eureka Amazon Project: Nude Hoplites

Amazon Nude Hoplite
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Suggested Retail Price
$2.95 AUD per figure

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Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP writes:

I have a number of these Eureka figures waiting for paint and organizing. The sculpts are adequate, in my view, but could stand some improvement for the faces. I'd like to see more Ral Partha's Tom Mier (sp?) influence, better detail and finer features. That said, I like the Hellenic look, altho' in my conception of Amazon armies, there's less need for phalangites except as protection (limited pike blocks ala ECW) for missile troops and shelter for cavalry. Fortunately, Eureka also has numbers of skirmisher figures that fill this need.

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31 August 2017page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Continuing with the Eureka Amazon Project… previously, we showed you the Axewomen. This week, it's the turn of the hoplites.

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"Nude Amazon hoplites"

This pack has two poses: crouching, and knee-down.

Nude Amazon hoplites

The figures were donated by Eureka Miniatures.

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"Nude Amazon hoplites close-up"

The hoplites were painted by Fernando Enterprises to match the prototypes painted by professional artist Beowulf Fezian. In the case of the hoplites, I don't think that a specific prototype figure was painted; there were already prototypes which showed the general idea with other troop types.

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"Nude Amazon hoplites"

When the painted figures arrived from Sri Lanka, I did the basing and flocking.

Nude Amazon hoplites

In my experience, they rank up best with the couching figures in the front row, and the kneeling figures in the back row. Or maybe I've used the 'wrong' slottabases…

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"Nude Amazon hoplites"

Or maybe I need to do a better job of straightening the weapons. grin

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"Nude Amazon hoplites"

The shields will be completed at a later time.

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"Nude Amazon hoplites"

Nude Amazon hoplites