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Daemon's Keep - Interior Fantasy Skirmish, 25mm


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17 January 2000page first published

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3,659 hits since 17 Jan 2000
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Red Golem, flaming swords, what's next?

While exploring a cave complex, our adventurers run into two flavors of trouble - a Red Golem defends one chamber, while a spectre with a flaming sword comes charging from the adjacent passageway. This scene in 25mm scale is set in the large lower cave section.

Dragon lunchtime?

And then, coming from behind - it's a Dragon! Suddenly it's not so safe to be in the back ranks of the party.

(Note: There is what appears to be a white chip knocked out of the cave piece in the top photo above. However, we've checked, and the "chip" is simply a reflection. Also, notice that the cave piece is "floating" slightly due to a minor warp.)

Vintage 25mm figures from the Editor's collection. Most are no longer in production.