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Desert Crusader #2

Desert Crusaders
(2 poses per pack)
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23 December 1999page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The second of two available figures in the Desert Crusaders pack, this warrior is striking a dramatic pose with sword held vertically at his side (not exactly the way you want to be standing in the middle of a fracas, but it looks good...).

This figure wears the same equipment as the companion figure in the pack - breastplate, helm, and shoulder pads worn over "arabic" flowing cape and skirts. Besides the pose, this figure differs in having its scarf knotted in front rather than in back, and has a guard on the sword hilt. The right arm appears to be sleeved rather than bare, ending in either a cuff, bracelet, or part of a gauntlet (depends how you paint it...). There are also straps hanging down from the left shoulder pad as well as the right one.

When cleaning this figure, be sure to watch out for small bits of excess metal on the skirt hem - are easily knocked off, but also easily missed. Small blobs on the sword tip and hilt should be easily trimmed. Our sample had no seam problems.

Figure is 32mm tall from boot bottoms to top of helm. Consists of metal figure plus plastic slottabase.