I'm making my way through Escape From the Dark Czar (a starter set for the Napoleonic fantasy game, Flintloque). Previously, I painted the bad guys, the Savant Zombies. Now I'm painting up the protagonists, the brave brand trying to survive the wintry retreat from Moskova.
The party of survivors includes two Ferach Elves, one Dogman, and one Ogre. I decided to paint the Ogre separately, since he has a unique look.
His name is Captain Boell Umfrage. A brief biography is provided, which tells us he is a veteran of the fighting in Catalucia (i.e., Spain), and during the retreat, he's the only survivor of 100 Ogres who fought the zombies. Not clear where he comes from. He carries a Kannonderbuss (a big gun) and an eyeglass (gives him a special advantage that can be used once per game).
I started by filing the 'glossy' side of the large cartouche base to flatten the edges, then glued the resin figure to the base. Then the backpack was glued to the figure.
I didn't have any information about Ogres in Flintloque, so I chose to follow the color scheme from the starter set. (If you buy the digital download, it comes with a large photo of the four adventurers – I found that very useful for reference.)
I primed the figure with spray white primer. Gray would be a good alternative, as much of the figure is the gray overcoat.
I then painted the figure in the main colors: tan flesh ('camel' tan), gray overcoat, blue shirt, white for cravat, straps, fingernails and shako, blonde hair, various leather shades on the backpack, gunmetal on the gun barrel and drinking vessel, copper on the eyeglass (couldn't find my brass paint!), brown for the gunstock, light green for the bedroll, and blue for the sausages.
I then hit the figure with Coat d'Arms Super Wash: Dark Brown, using a medium brush to control the effect and avoid pooling.
That pretty much finished the figure to a standard I was comfortable with… except for the face.
I added some highlights to bring out the details in the face, and painted the fangs white. The only part I had difficulty with was the eyes. They are right up against the hat brim, and I had a hard time 'seeing' where the eyes should go. After a few false starts, I got the eyes done. (They are rather difficult to see on the figure, due to the hat brim.)
I painted the base white with blue edges (to designate the Ferach side), then flocked it with white sand. To my amazement, the sand I had used for the Savant Zombies had disappeared on me, but I found a back-up – this one has larger grains and gives a fluffier snow appearance.
Then the figure was sealcoated with matte spray.

Obviously, I could have done a better job in prepping the mold lines.

I used some black ink to darken the holes in the overcoat.

I added some white highlights to the shako, to make the shading from the wash less stark.

I used a head-mounted magnifier for the first time when painting the eyes. There's a steep learning curve, but I kept on trying.

I found this to be an easy project, using basic painting techniques.