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Chick in Chain Mail

Masterworks: Elmore Set #1
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$29.95 USD


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1 November 2004page first published

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The Chick in Chain Mail is, I suppose, the ultimate depiction of the fantasy cliche - a beautiful woman, wearing chainmail top and mini-skirt, with a big sword.

Chick in Chain Mail (front)

Provided separately is a large shield, conveniently featureless so that you can paint any design on it. (And in the original artwork, the shield is only seen from behind - so let your imagination run free.)


The figure's pose has been slightly changed from the art. The tip of the sword has been lowered, presumably so that it can be merged into the base (making the model easier to cast).

Chick in Chain Mail (back)

In the original pose, she was looking to her side - her sculpted head is still swung to one side, but not as extremely as the original art.

Chick in Chain Mail (close-up)