Realizing that I was never going to get to play with all of my 15mm Orcs if I insisted on painting them myself, I recently sent a few batches of greenskins down to Fernando in Sri Lanka.

Nallian is the first to make the return trip, get based up, and then photographed for Showcase. He comes from the DemonWorld game and the corresponding miniatures line, which are sadly not currently available. I believe he functions in the rules as an Orc warlord.

One of the nice things about the DemonWorld sets is that the packaging shows the painted figures, and generally I like the way the company paints them up. So my instructions to the painters were simple: "Paint to match package illustrations, but use lime green for Orc flesh." (I like my Orcs lime-green...) I asked for Showcase quality (the top level of painting at Fernando).

Fernando understood my instructions, painted the figure, showed me a small photo for approval, and then sent him back to me (in a big package with a few dozen of his compatriots!).

I then based and flocked the model myself. (I feel it makes my army look more coherent if all of the basing and flocking are mine.) I used a 20mm x 40mm steel base from Renaissance Ink as it fit the model best, then primed it, glued the model down, used some spackle to merge the model to the base, painted the base brown, and flocked it.

The model is about 27mm long, and 50mm tall.