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Fight's On Surface-to-Air Missile Site

Surface to Air Missile (SAM) Site (3)
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$3.00 USD

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GuruDave writes:

Nice job, Editor. I've painted up several of the SAM and AA artillery sites and an airfield from Fight's On. They are simple but effective.

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2 June 2012page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I'm getting ready to do some modern air-gaming, so picked up a number of useful items from Fight's On with the plan to paint them on an "as needed" basis. My first "need" was a SAM site in the desert, so I've painted one up:

Unpainted and painted SAM site

As you can see, the pieces are suited for use on a hexagonal grid - though in my case, they'll actually be more like markers on a gameboard. Here's an extreme close-up:

SAM site close-up

My painting scheme was simple: brown base, dark brown wash, tan drybrush, then the details were painted in colors that would stand out.

I'm not sure what scale the Fight's On scenics are, but I think it's safe to say that they're "way down there on the ground" scale. grin Here's what they look like next to a 3mm jet model that I'm working on:

3mm aircraft and SAM site

And, for reference, next to 28mm and 15mm figures (which you'll see more of in future TMP articles):

28mm and 15mm figures with SAM site

I look forward to painting more of these up, in various landscapes, as the campaign proceeds.