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6mm Sci-Fi South Africans

South African Heavy Combat Team
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£36.00 GBP

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Klaus Which writes:

Absolutely brilliant work. I am very inspired. Excellent work :)

Revision Log
24 March 2018page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

In my heart, I am a 'paint what I want to paint' kind of guy. But experience teaches me that I have more fun ultimately when I actually finish complete projects, so I am trying to channel my painting impulses for my greater good. grin

South Africans

Nevertheless, this project seemed to magically transit through my workbench, though I have no immediate need for it! I credit this 'miracle' to the fact that the painting scheme was dramatic but simple, and the work could be divided up into lots of little sub-projects so I could always fit it in-between larger projects.

The background is that one of my current sci-fi forces, when they finish their current campaign, are going off to fight some bad guys on an urban world. Largely because I have a bunch of sci-fi buildings around here somewhere (not yet painted). I haven't given the 'bad guys' a whole lot of thought, except that I've decided they're a totalitarian state run by a psychic elite.

Since I was going for the urban planet setting, my choice of army was the South African Confederation range from Brigade Models – this range has wheeled vehicles instead of the tracked or grav vehicles, which I thought fit the concept best. (I'm not using the South African Confederation fluff, just the models!)

Most of the vehicles come from the South African Heavy Combat Team set, with some extra models thrown in that I already had. I haven't done infantry yet, as I haven't decided which models to use for them.

Hippo Heavy Truck – Office Body

South Africans

I started with the two truck models as prototypes, which was a mistake because they are so different from everything else in the force (lots of flat surfaces).

South Africans

My first thought was to go 'gray' for this urban army, and after a few fail-and-start-over attempts, ended up with simplicity itself: black prime, dark gray basecoat, medium gray highlights, black ink wash.

South Africans

I 'cheated' with the trucks to make them a little more interesting, such as using an extra shade for the doors. The windows were ink-washed.

South Africans

When trying to come up with some kind of unit marking, I decided that on this world, the army's vehicles are marked with 'the blood of the Leader' (usually in a big red 'X'. It was easy and I think it looks cool. I tried to make it look 'hand painted' rather than stenciled.

Wildebeest HQ APC

South Africans

South Africans

This is a smaller version of the usual APC, intended for use with command units.

South Africans

South Africans

I used Litko wooden bases for all of these vehicles, with FlexSteel on the bottom for storage purposes. For an urban setting, I simply textured the base with black sand.

South Africans

Impala Armored Car

South Africans

South Africans

The funny thing in sci-fi is that the 'tiny' vehicles (such as these armored cars) are actually pretty large, if you compare them to modern or WWII vehicles in the same scale!

South Africans

Due to the size, I used a smaller base size for these.

Wildebeest Heavy Wheeled APC

South Africans

This is the 'main' APC of this force. The anti-aircraft machinegun sets it apart from the command APCs, which are otherwise quite similar.

South Africans

My only worry is that I'll slip someday and smash those delicate machineguns!

South Africans

The front of the APC has a small gun turret and a structure that could be painted as a driver's position (with windows). I didn't paint any windows as I don't like windows on my armored vehicles.

South Africans

South Africans

The manufacturer does a good job of providing exit hatches on the backs of the vehicles, which I appreciate.

Rhino Heavy Tank

South Africans

This is a low-silhouette tank. Note that the wheels have some casting 'dimples' – I chose to paint the large wheels in a single shade of gray, as I didn't want to accentuate the flaws.

South Africans

The turret has a primary and a secondary weapon.

South Africans

South Africans

The vehicle rear has some detailing that could be engine vents or exit doors, depending on how you stat the vehicles up.

South Africans

Oliphant Self-Propelled Artillery

South Africans

These models were a little tricky to assemble, because the gun barrels don't have a 'fixed' angle.

South Africans

Superglue and patience does the trick!

South Africans

I'm not sure if I'll actually use the artillery, as it would seem of limited utility in a built-up environment. Or maybe they are self-guiding munitions?

South Africans

The Completed Force

South Africans

I think this makes a nice starting force for my future campaign!