You know what it's like when there's something you want to get into, you already have the rules in mind and some of the figures, but you haven't gotten the ball rolling yet? No, of course you don't.
In this case, the period is the Vietnam War, the scale is 20mm, and I finally got the ball rolling by sending part of my unpainted horde off to Fernando Enterprises in Sri Lanka!

These wonderful dogs are part of the U.S. Specialists pack in the Charlie Company range – which is not currently listed on the manufacturer's website, so might be out of production.

Presumably, three of the other figures in this pack are the dog handlers, but I figured it made sense to base the dogs and handlers separately.

I didn't give the painters any guidance, as frankly I forgot the dogs were in the pack! But dogs are dogs, right?

The model above had a misaligned mold, but it works just fine at wargaming distances.

I based the painted models on 1" steel bases, textured with spackle, painted brown, flocked, and sealed. More to come, if I can figure out what some of these other figures are supposed to be…