I'm continuing to explore the contents of the U.S. Specialists pack from the Charlie Company 20mm Vietnam War range. While the range is still available, this pack is no longer in production, and I was unable to get further information about these figures from the manufacturer. We've also learned that some of these figures are currently available in the Platoon 20 range.

In our last article, you were able to identify two Tunnel Rats and an army medic. This time, we have four identical figures that are easy to identify!

These soldiers are carrying ammunition, and are probably intended as artillery crew, though they could possibly be used as tank crew restocking ammo. My artillery is usually kept off-board, but these could be handy if a fire-support base were under attack.

These figures were painted for TMP by our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, using their own references.

When the painted figures arrived, I then glued them to metal bases, flocked the bases, and sealed everything with a matte sealcoat spray.

The particular flock mix I use – I've long forgotten the product name – contains a mix of colors. What looks like 'bare spots' in some photos are actually earth-colored bits of flock!